Johan Albert Rusche (age 31) and Constance Anna Herrebrugh (age 24) are engaged.
19 images
May 7 1938 Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Opa Albert Rusche’s brother Willem Rusche passes away in Solo04 Grafnummer – 62-3-0470, 03 Begraafplaats – De Nieuwe Ooster
A. N. I. P. Aneta (a telegraph company) signals to us that yesterday in Solo the great funeral of the well-known hotelier Mr. W. Rusche took place with great interest.
Dutch East Indies in HD Color 1938-1939
April 10, 1941
Wedding of Johan and Conny
Johan Albert Rusche (age 34) marries Constance Anna Herrebrugh (age 27) in Batavia, now known as Central Jakarta.